Our Approach

While the Montessori methods were originally developed for classroom use, many families have recognized that teaching Montessori in the home has a wide range of benefits, too. By creating an environment that aligns with Dr. Montessori’s philosophies, our team can encourage a love of learning right within the walls of our own home-based child care. Children need a sense of belonging and of being needed. They get it by participating fully in the routines of everyday life. "Help me do it by myself" is the life theme of the preschooler. Can you find ways for your child to participate in meal preparation, cleaning, gardening, caring for clothes, shoes, and toys? Providing opportunities for independence is the surest way to build your child's self-esteem. Our Montessori-inspired approach is a practical life element that builds habits of thinking logically, making intelligent decisions, following complex steps of complex processes, care in actions, and so forth, that prepare for a life of independent thinking and responsible action, and care for self, others, and the world. It is often the major area of work in the whole first year of the child's experience. Our Montessori-inspired environment will also offer books, toys, and other educational materials that are carefully chosen and of the best quality. The child is never forced to attend a lesson or do a piece of work.  The teacher will model kindness and consideration, to observe the child and follow her interests in suggesting work, to give careful, individual lessons, to keep exacting records of what the child is learning and where his interests are leading him, and to refrain from interrupting when the child is concentrating on an activity. While our programs are not MACTE accredited, our teachers have done abundant research to carefully design curriculums and implement much of the Montessori practices in our homecare.

Some of the characteristics of a Montessori-inspired education include: